New Phone, New Problems

The Problem

This last week I upgraded my phone to a galaxy 24. Wasn't by choice, I broke my old one from dropping it and breaking the screen. With the new phone, I transfered all my data/contacts. Upon playing Crumbrawler,  it looks as if I transferred the broken screen as well.

Apparently a new phone isn't always better for performance. I thought it may have been an issue with the latest build. But talking to my teammate and other people with the game installed, their build looks great. So this was an isolated event since I had the newest phone.

The Solution 

A solution that ended up not panning out was upgrading the target sdk. We currently target sdk 33 but galaxy 24 used sdk 34. Updated it which also added the need to upgrade our Google billing library to 6, which was a task in itself. Once that was finally completed, same issues. So that solution was a bust. The next possible solution is to tweak the rendering settings in unreal. It being a new phone, there may be hardware compatibility issues I'm not aware of right now. Although it is annoying and causes unwanted obstacles,  this is good to learn as people are always upgrading their devices. I want them to continue to be able to play my games.

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